1. The youngest passenger we had was six years old, but this doesn’t mean every child can fly.
  2. Those who do not have acrophobia and are ready for adrenaline can fly.
  3. The oldest passenger we had was 90 years old, provided the health is good and is not afraid of altitude.
  4. The highest altitude we go to is 3660M.
  5. We fly only when the weather is favorable.
  6. We do not fly when it’s a gloomy day, rainy day, or windy day.
  7. So as long as it’s a sunny day and has the best views, we fly throughout the year.
  8. Passengers must inform health problems if any. Heart conditions, or any other relevant to adventures.
  9. We urge our passengers to consult with the doctor before booking if they have any?
  10. Insurance coverage of $20,000.00
  11. Pick-up/drop service within Pokhara Valley
  12. The maximum weight to be fit to fly is 100 kg.